Export to HTML - Based on the original statblock5e template.Export to JSON - Save your statblock and re-import it back into Statblock5e Creator at a later time.Export your statblock into the following formats:.Import from Open5e - Load any creature from the official 5th Edition SRD, or Tome of Beasts or Creature Codex from Kobold Press using the Open5e API (does not include Markdown Emphasis, Name Expressions, or Math Expressions).Import from 5e SRD - Load any creature from the official 5th Edition SRD using Statblock5e Creator's own JSON file format.Import pre-made published statblocks from the following sources:.Generate Spellcasting Dialog - Easily create spellcasting special trait blocks for innate, generic, and class-specific spellcasters.Generate Attack Dialog - Easily create attack actions using one of the pre-defined D&D 5e weapons, or create your own custom attack.Math Expressions - Automatically calculate attack roll modifiers, average damage from damage rolls, and spell save DCs.Name Expressions - Inject the creature's name into the description where needed.

Markdown Emphasis - Make text bold and/or italic.Enhance Special Traits, Actions, Reactions, and Legendary Actions with special expressions:.Calculate saving throws and skills using ability modifiers and proficiency bonus, or using your own custom modifiers.Calculate hit points using hit die and constitution, or using your own custom value.Two-column statblock heights can also be adjusted manually.